Stark Therapy Group

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Stark Therapy Group Is Helping Gen Z Find the Path to Recovery From Eating Disorders 

By Alli Gilden

In the last decade, there has been a major effort to destigmatize mental health and make it more acceptable to seek treatment for mental health concerns. Generation Z, commonly referred to as the most empathetic generation, has been integral in this endeavor. According to the APA in 2019, Gen Z is also seeking out mental health treatment at higher rates than any generation that comes before them. The southern California therapists at Stark Therapy Group understand why Gen Z may be seeking out mental health services, and take a unique approach to eating disorder treatment to find the best path to recovery. 

In the United States, major historical events like 9/11 and the 2008 recession that have occurred during the short lifespan of an individual in Generation Z have undoubtedly left an impact. Many children and teenagers today are unsure whether they will make it home safely from school, be denied gender-affirming care, or be the victim of a hate crime each time they walk out the door. It is completely valid if this makes you angry, scared, or both. Uncertainty can be a breeding ground for anxiety, depression, and trauma. 

All therapists at Stark Therapy Group are dedicated to holding space for conversations surrounding the current social and political climate. We are also dedicated to being socially justice-oriented, actively anti-racist, and gender and LGBTQ+-affirming. Many of our therapists draw from the feminist perspective, meaning an individual’s intersecting identities are taken into consideration regarding treatment. 

Along with a tumultuous social and political landscape, many in Gen Z have grown dependent on their smartphones; devices that were intended to connect humanity have now seemed to isolate it. Body dysmorphia, or anxiety about one’s body image, and orthorexia, or obsession with “pure, clean” eating, are also becoming more prevalent among Gen Z. Social media influencers and popular apps like FaceTune may be to blame for colluding Gen Z’s perception of reality. 

Stark Therapy Group takes a fat-positive, anti-diet approach to eating disorder treatment. We also align ourselves with Health At Every Size (HAES), an approach based on the acceptance of size diversity. Similarly, we also offer Intuitive Eating services for clients who are looking to improve their relationship with food and movement. 

We offer a 3-tiered support system for teens with eating disorders, which provides a therapist for the teen, a therapist for the caregivers and a family therapist. Each therapist stays in communication with each other to ensure continuity of care and a comprehensive eating disorder treatment team.

If you or someone you know is a member of Generation Z and are considering beginning therapy services, book a consultation call today to see if Stark Therapy Group is the right fit for you. 



Stark Therapy Group offers therapy for all types of eating disorders, including Anorexia, Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia. We offer a 3-tiered family based support for teens in eating disorder recovery. We also provide cutting edge trauma therapy called Brainspotting. We treat anxiety, depression and general mental health conditions. We offer 3-tiered family based support for teens with general mental health issues. We offer culturally competent therapy for BIPOC folks. We also offer couples therapy. We would love to help you on your mental health journey. Reach out today for a free consultation!