Therapy for

BIPOC Humans

Two BIPOC femme presenting people seeking therapy | 92692 | 92821

Unseen and misunderstood…

As someone in the BIPOC community, you are often seen in your physical form but unseen and misunderstood in your true essence and soul. 

When people ask, “Where are you from?” and follow your answer with  “No, like where are you really from??” you know what they’re asking. 

They see your body but not your depth as a human. They don’t appreciate your inner battle of figuring out how you fit into this world. They’re asking you to put yourself in a box.

But clearly, your story doesn’t fit into a 10-character box.

Black woman seeking therapy | 92648 | 92688

You have to do more just to be perceived as “enough.”

Every part of you, including your tone, hair, words, and clothing, feels like it’s under a microscope. “Perfectionism” is expected from you in a different way. 

Any part of you that appears to be “different” will either be dismissed or magnified, leaving you feeling vulnerable and exposed. Making mistakes is more than simple human error. It increases the risk of being judged, labeled, categorized, or even harmed. 

These are the microaggressions and discrimination you constantly face, leaving you exhausted from the work it takes to be emotionally performative.

It’s like walking along a tightrope, trying to balance between not enough and too much. It’s exhausting.

BIPOC client and therapist building therapeutic relationship | 92867 | 92802

That’s true in the “professional” world, too.

Being “professional” is subjective, but it’s presented as objective. 

Before leaving for work or school, you ensure everything is “professional” enough. Do you feel like you have to make sure your hair, outfit, mood, voice, and vibe are “professional” before leaving the door? 

At work, you make the same suggestions as a colleague that holds privilege. Their feedback is elevated; yours is dismissed.

You keep moving about your day as normal, pretending the pigmentation of your skin didn’t impact others’ dismissing your thoughts. 

You know the pressure you face isn’t fair, but part of you accepts it so you can keep moving forward. 

Culturally Competent Therapy | 92806 | 92807

Shape-shifting, code-switching, and chameleoning…

You have to do a lot to navigate your world safely, which takes a toll on your nervous system. You scan your environment and become quickly aware of what is expected of you—how you should act, look, and talk. You don’t want to be perceived as an outcast because existing in your physical form often feels that way. 

Humans need each other, and you don’t want to be ostracized. 

You can’t control how you look, but you can control how you blend into your environment. You can change your language and how you present yourself based on who you’re talking to. 

It’s like there are unspoken stipulations about how you can show up in different spaces; you’re not free to simply exist as you are.



Client Story

Justin* felt like the world was against him, and he wasn’t incorrect. He had a deep sense that there was something inherently wrong with him. He’s frequently excluded and “othered” by his peers and society at large. As a result, he’s depressed, uncomfortable, and angry. Justin felt isolated and trapped, and making any change seemed hopeless.

Justin* finally got in touch with us, despite it being challenging to trust and open up after years of being dismissed. He was relieved to find a therapist whom he not only connected with but also understood his struggles and shared his lived experiences. Together, they helped him rebuild his sense of value and confidence. Now, Justin can accept and celebrate who he is in all his uniqueness.

*These stories are composites of multiple clients with whom we’ve worked. These are not real client names.

We understand your perspective.

It’s valid and unique, and we’ll combine your lived experience with our clinical knowledge to help you heal. We’re here to give you the tools to change your life.

You’ll process painful life experiences, emotions, and challenges. You’ll connect to your authentic self, needs, emotions, body, and soul. You’ll decode the harmful messages you’ve been told about power dynamics, your appearance, culture, skin color, hair, body size, and worth. You’ll learn grounding techniques to feel more connected to your body when everything feels chaotic.

As you heal, you’ll notice improvements in your relationship with yourself and others, your mood, and your energy levels. You’ll acquire tools to help you regulate your emotions, increase your ability to advocate for yourself, connect with yourself, and communicate effectively.

Are you ready…

… to feel empowered to take up space?
… to experience all your emotions?
… to improve your relationship with yourself?

People of Color Healing through therapy | 92675 | 92679

Our team of amazing therapists is here to support you every step of the way.

Have additional questions? Visit our FAQ section to find your answers.

Other Services:

Stark Therapy Group offers therapy for all types of eating disorders, including Anorexia, Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia. We offer a 3-tiered family based support for teens in eating disorder recovery. We also provide cutting edge trauma therapy called Brainspotting. We treat anxiety, depression and general mental health conditions. We offer 3-tiered family based support for teens with general mental health issues. We offer culturally competent therapy for BIPOC folks. We also offer couples therapy. We would love to help you on your mental health journey. Reach out today!